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Back-To-School Clothing Money-Saving Ideas

Money is a necessary evil the way some people tell it. You have to have money to provide for your family, but you also want to be careful not to use it all. When it comes time for your children to head back to school, you know you’ll be spending quite a bit. These back-to-school clothing money-saving ideas may help you keep more of your money in your pocketbook.

Children’s re-sale shops are a great place to look for back-to-school clothing savings. Most stores accept only good quality, gently used clothing. The styles may not be the newest, but you may be able to find something that your children won’t be embarrassed to be seen in. Children’s re-sale shops, or consignment stores, also sell clothing at a fraction of their normal price which could net you some serious savings.

Stick with basic colors when you purchase back-to-school clothes. If the majority of new clothing is a basic color your child can mix and match their clothes to create a number of different outfits. Of course, you may also want to purchase a few items that are your child’s favorite color so they can make their outfits their own.

Hand-me-downs are another way you can save money on back-to-school clothes. As your children outgrow clothing, check each item to see if there are rips or lost buttons. Make those repairs, wash them, and then store them for your next child when they reach that size. By using hand-me-downs you’ll save money on these items and be able to spend a little more for other necessities.

Comparison shopping online or through physical catalogs is another way to save money. Go to the websites of the stores you normally shop and see if their online prices are better than in-store prices. You can also compare the prices of several stores on the same items to see who has the best price. If shopping online, don’t forget to factor in shipping costs unless they will ship to a physical store for free.

Buy basic items you know your child will need in the future when they are on sale. Stores will have back-to-school sales as the new school year nears. If you can guesstimate your child’s size the next school year, you can purchase socks, underwear, jeans, and shirts for the next year while they are on sale this year. You can also purchase items along the way that are sale-priced, such as at the end of the season sales. This can save you considerably on your child’s clothing.

You know children will need clothing for the new school year. Your goal, however, is to spend as little as possible. If you follow some of these back-to-school clothing money-saving ideas, you may clothe your child for the school year and keep money in your pocketbook instead of spending it all on clothing.