A site for my favorite season!

Autumn Anxiety

Autumn anxiety is a form of anxiety you get seasonally, often between the end of summer and beginning of fall. Different people get it for different reasons, though it is often a type of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Preventing it comes down to understanding what it is, and what you believe is the cause for you specifically to get this disorder. Continue reading

When summer starts winding down and fall arrives, you might go through a lot of different emotions and changes. People are often confused when suddenly they feel lethargic, depressed, and have worsened anxiety. This is known as seasonal anxiety, very similar to seasonal affective disorder.

One thing that can help a lot during this time is to switch up your routine in a productive, healthy, and fun way that helps you enjoy your life and the season.

Why Change Your Routine?

Let’s first go over the reasons why you might want to change your routine, or start a daily routine during the fall if this will be your first time. Everyone already has a daily routine, whether they realize it or not. Continue reading

Self-care has been a hot topic for many years now, as more people learn how to put themselves first and take care of their own health and wellbeing. This is a great idea for everyone, but self-care is not always about bubble baths and massages. Continue reading

If you are someone who is no stranger to anxiety, you probably have a list of remedies you prefer to use. However, people who are noticing anxiety more in the fall season, and don’t experience it as much as the rest of the year, it can be a little tricky understanding first what is happening, then knowing what to do about it.

Here are some super easy and effective ways to start relieving the anxiety you experience in the fall season:

Spend More Time Outdoors

Just like with people who have seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in the fall and winter months, you need to get as much light and natural sunshine as you can. For many people, anxiety is from the cold, darker days in the fall and winter seasons. Continue reading