A site for my favorite season!


Summer is just about over, and the cooler weather is beginning to settle in. Now is the best time to begin decorating your home for fall. Decorating with warm colors and nature can be a great way to give your home the warm feeling of fall.

There are so many things you can do to spruce the place up and add the sights and smells of fall. You’ve likely been checking out the latest catalogs and magazines and there are plenty of ways you can decorate your home.

The only trouble with that is, the price tag, does not fit into your budget. No worries, there are things that you can do to transform your home without having to go over budget. Below are seven ideas you can try out this season.

Pumpkin Creativity

One of the most common symbols for fall are pumpkins! When you see pumpkins and smell their scent, you know that fall is right around the corner. They are very inexpensive pieces you can buy to decorate your house. Continue reading