A site for my favorite season!

Healthy You

Ginger is one of the most amazing spices you can get your hands on. It is perfect for fall flavors, has a nice bite to it allowing you to use it for a healthy tea and in multiple dishes, and of course has a lot of health benefits. Here are some different ways ginger can provide natural healing to your body.

It Helps with Digestion

If you are like most people, you have tried drinking ginger ale when you got a tummy ache or were dealing with nausea. This is a very common remedy used for years, and it is from the ginger in the ginger ale that helps with your stomach problems.

Ginger is amazing for reducing irritation of your stomach, helping with bile production, and relieving nausea. It is often given to people with digestive issues, women with morning sickness, and even cancer patients dealing with nausea. If you have digestive issues, you can definitely benefit from using on a regular basis. Continue reading

You might love honey because of the sweet taste, adding it to your coffee, tea, or biscuits. It also happens to be very good for you, especially when you choose the raw and unfiltered honey that doesn’t have added sugar. Here are some health benefits associated with raw honey.

You Get Plenty of Antioxidants

One thing you might not realize honey can provide you is a healthy dose of antioxidants. This is especially important during the fall season, as this is often when people begin experiencing illnesses like the cold or flu.

You can combat these illnesses and have natural protection of the cells in your body by having more natural resources for antioxidants like raw honey. It is best that you go with the raw honey, not the kind you get in the supermarket that is loaded with sugar and other preservatives. Continue reading

Natural health isn’t just about using holistic health remedies like herbs and essential oils. It is often as simple as changing what you eat by switching to fruits and vegetables that have important health benefits. These fruits and veggies are ideal for natural health, and are typically in season during the fall.


One of the most popular fruits to use in the fall is the apple. Apples are readily available during the autumn season, plus they are often cheaper since they are in season. You can use apples for so many things, from apple pies for dessert to adding them to your salad.

They also happen to be loaded with nutrients. They are an excellent source of antioxidants, contain a lot of fiber, and help combat things like diabetes and heart disease. Continue reading

You have probably heard the phrase “an apple a day”, talking about how you should eat your normal amount of fruit servings each day.

Apples are among the healthiest fruits you can consume as they are loaded with nutrients, but not just for weight loss and weight management.

Here is what you should know about the health benefits of apples.

The Vitamins and Minerals in Apples

The reason why the term “an apple a day” exists is because of how good apples are for you. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs every day. Among them, include a large amount of antioxidants, which are going to help prevent illness and disease, protecting your body from free radicals.

Apples are also a great source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin K. You will get a lot of minerals in apples like magnesium, potassium, and fiber. Continue reading