A site for my favorite season!

Self Care in the Fall

Daily planners have advanced exponentially in recent years. No longer are they small date planners that just hold your appointments and schedule. Daily planners are all about expanding on what you need to do, your personal goals, and any plans you have. Continue reading

When fall arrives, temperatures begin to drop, and you might even have rainy days and cold evenings.

This is when it is good to spend more time inside, whether alone or with loved ones.

If you want to practice more self-care, find some indoor activities that allow you to be cozy, warm, and content.

Get Cooking and Baking

The fall is typically when people start cooking and baking a lot more. Over the summer, you probably didn’t do as much cooking due to the weather and a busy schedule.

However, in the fall, it is a great time to practice self-care and enjoy the cooler temperatures at the same time. Continue reading

If you have been reading about being cozier during the fall season and practicing self-care, you have probably come across the term hygge. Pronounced hoo-gah, hygge is a practice that Danish people do in order to enjoy more in their life. Continue reading

While fall is the favorite season among many people, others struggle with it because of how it affects their mental health. You might be one of the unlucky people who have a hard time with your emotional state in the fall, dealing with worsened anxiety and depression.

Here is more information about why this might be happening and what you can do about it:

What is Autumn Anxiety?

The first mental health change you might notice in the fall season is with your anxiety. Many people have noticed that their anxiety seems to peak around the time fall begins – but why? This is sometimes referred to as autumn anxiety, a type of anxiety that is triggered by the fall season. Continue reading