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Five Tips for Saving Money on School SuppliesParents often dread the beginning of school because clothing, supplies, and fees for their children can be so expensive. However, there are ways to purchase the items your children need without going over budget. Considering how much money you stand to spend at the start of the new school year, here are five tips on saving money on school supplies.

When the school system releases the supply lists for students, you’ll want to obtain a list as quickly as possible. This will enable to you to see what is needed and make plans for purchasing those items.

Purchase During Tax-free Holiday

Many states now offer tax-free holidays right before school starts so families can purchase school supplies and save money at the same time. With taxes adding up to 10% of your back-to-school purchase cost, this could be a considerable savings when purchasing school-related items. You can check with the local board of education to find out if your state is planning a tax-free holiday.

Shop Online

Office supply stores often have back-to-school sales. Sign up to receive emails with sales flyers or online coupons when making large purchases. As the school year begins, these sales will increase and quite often you can have the items shipped to your home instead of your having to fight the crowds to get them.

Another online option would be search auction sites for school supplies. There are often office and school supplies for sale, often at prices that are too good to pass up. You’ll want to factor in the cost of shipping but this still might be a good option.

Buy in Bulk

Look for weekly sales papers as the start of school nears. They will often have school supplies at drastically reduced prices, often 1-cent to 50-cents for items your child will need. Stock up on those items that are on sale, even if it means you have to go back several times over a week.

Make and Stick to a List

It’s tempting to buy the new items in the store aisles. However, you’ll save more money on school supplies by sticking to the list of items your child needs. If your child asks for something extra, let them buy those items with their own money.

Reuse Items

Look around your house and see if you have some school supplies left from last year. Perhaps what you have isn’t the name brand your child’s teacher suggested, but they will do if they’re all you can afford. Some supplies, such as rulers, backpacks and calculators don’t wear out easily so they should still be good for the next year.

When it comes to your children, you want to give them what they need, especially for school. Using these five tips on saving money on school supplies, you’ll be able to get the supplies they need and not break your budget.