A site for my favorite season!


Fall and pumpkin seem to go hand in hand, so it comes as no surprise that want to use more of it during this season. Not only is pumpkin delicious and extremely versatile, especially with baked goods, but it is also good for you. Pumpkin is often considered a superfood and includes the following health benefits.

It Can Improve Your Vision

If you have been looking for natural ways to improve your vision and reduce vision loss related to the aging process, pumpkin is a great place to look. It has unique healing properties and nutrients that are known to boost vision and eye health, including beta-carotene. This can convert to vitamin A in the body, which is what you really need for proper eye health.

The serving size of pumpkin per day to help with vision and other health benefits is about a cup of pumpkin. The antioxidants in pumpkin may also help with preventing cataracts and macular degeneration. Continue reading

You may think about spring or summer when you think of juice and smoothies, but they definitely have a place in the autumn. The fall season has a lot of amazing superfoods that go perfectly in a green smoothie, or any type of healthy juice or smoothie with fruits and veggies.

Pumpkin Green Smoothie

This is an interesting green smoothie because it is great in the fall with lots of seasonal superfoods, but it is also similar to a classic green smoothie. It truly is a perfect combination of both. This smoothie gets its green from the spinach, which is also going to increase the nutrients of it immensely.

Then you have some fall flavors with pumpkin puree, ginger, cinnamon, and nutmeg. You can also add more creaminess to it with unsweetened almond milk or soy milk, and some plain Greek yogurt. Adding an apple to it not only gives you more fall superfoods in the smoothie, but is going to sweeten it up. Continue reading

Preparing foods ahead of time makes it possible for you to save money on your grocery bill.

You can find fruits and vegetables on sale during the summer and into fall months when they’re in season and cheaper. It helps to know which are freezer friendly fruits and vegetables so you can plan ahead to fill your freezer.

Not all fruits and vegetables will freeze well fresh from the garden. Fruits can often be frozen without much preparation but the same can’t be said about vegetables.

Most vegetables will require you to blanch them for about 5 minutes and then dip them into ice water to stop the cooking process before they can be frozen.

Start by choosing fruits and vegetables you plan to freeze at the peak of ripeness. The food should be firm and without bruises to ensure the best taste when they are used in the future. Don’t be afraid to sniff the fruit to see how it smells which may indicate how it tastes. Continue reading

How to make Thanksgiving candles

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the winter holiday season. It’s not officially winter yet, but the air is turning cooler, and people tend to spend more time indoors. Using candles for decoration during your Thanksgiving dinner provides a warm, cozy atmosphere for you and your guests that’s perfect for the season. Continue reading