A site for my favorite season!


If you are interested in using pumpkin for healthy recipes, don’t forget about the seeds!

Also called pepitas, pumpkin seeds contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, are low in fat, and are great for having as a snack or putting on salads.

Here are some things to know about pumpkin seeds:

Loaded with Health Benefits

Pumpkin seeds, like the flesh of a pumpkin, have a lot of vitamins and minerals. They are delicious and wonderful to have in the fall, but don’t forget they are also really good for you. Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of magnesium, which is a type of electrolyte that is good for overall health. Some other nutrients include:

  • Zinc, which helps with your immune system and boosts male reproductive health
  • Fiber to help with digestive health and weight loss
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Nutrients that help with your prostate and to sleep better

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Vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas

More and more people these days are turning to a vegetarian lifestyle. This can be a problem when Thanksgiving rolls around, because what is the holiday without a turkey? These vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner ideas will enable those who choose to abstain from eating meat to enjoy the meal and stay true to their convictions.

Before you begin trying to think of vegetarian Thanksgiving dinner ideas, it is important to know what foods your guest doesn’t eat. Some people won’t eat flesh of an animal but they will eat eggs or dairy products. Others won’t eat anything from an animal. By finding out what your guest will eat, you’ll have a better idea of what dishes you can prepare for them. Continue reading

Toward the end of summer, I’m starting to look forward to fall. There’s just something about cooler temperatures and watching the leaves turn color.

Of course, it is also time for all of our favorite fall treats. Many of my favorite fruits and vegetables start to ripen and get ready in early fall. Let me tell you, it isn’t just about all things pumpkin. It’s also about apples.

If you’re looking for a fun fall activity you can do with the whole family on a crisp and sunny day in September or October, try apple picking. It’s a fun way to get everyone out of the house and in the fresh air.

As an added bonus, you get to come home with a big crate of apples that will last you through the coming months.

Start by finding a local apple orchard that lets you come out and pick your own apples. Depending on where you live, you may be able to find several apple farms just outside town, or you may have to take a little drive. Continue reading

Two of the most popular superfood fruits to enjoy in the fall are apples and pears. They are both loaded with vitamins and nutrients, have a sweet flavor for healthier desserts, and even go great in savory dishes. Here are some different ways to use apples and pears during the fall. Continue reading