A site for my favorite season!


Healthy Apple Desserts

So many apple desserts involve large amounts of sugar, butter, shortening, or white flour – or all four of these! It’s really too bad, since naturally-sweet apples make excellent, healthy desserts without all of the added ingredients. Here are some recipes for healthy apple desserts that everyone in the family can enjoy. Continue reading

Autumn in Scottish Highlands

Thanksgiving is a holiday that’s best spent with family. For some of us, our extended families are just a stone’s throw away. For others, they’re across the state or across the country. If we want to see them during our short time off of work, we have to fly.

Flying during the holiday season can be an expensive proposition. And if you don’t plan your trip until the last minute, it can be difficult to even get a seat. But if you know a few tricks, there are spectacular deals to be had. Continue reading

Caring for Patio Furniture

All spring and summer you have been enjoying parties on the patio. But as the weather turns and the parties begin happening indoors more, you want to make sure you protect your patio furniture so you can get the same use out of it year after year. Here are ways to care for your plastic, aluminum, and wicker furniture when it’s no longer in use.

Caring for Your Plastic Patio Furniture

When the difficult weather of winter begins to show its head, you want to make sure your plastic patio furniture is out of harm’s way. Because plastic furniture is so light and winter winds can be so wicked, you will want to store your plastic furniture in the basement or other storage area away from the elements. Continue reading

Thanksgiving Projects for Small KidsThere are many fun activities that children can partake in during Thanksgiving. First, a list of things that they are grateful for is a nice way to kick off the fun. Another fun activity is recommended by parenting.com and it is called the Native Necklace. Here are the directions. First, remove the top ring of a paper cup. Punch 2 holes in the top of the ring and 1 hole in the bottom center. Paint the ring. You can paint the ring any color you want. The website went with brown. Next, cut a 20-inch piece of cord. String 1 bead on each end. Make a loop and place one end through each top hole. And then, string a few wooden beads onto the cord, creating a Y shape. Push 2 cords through the center hole. Add a single bead to keep in place. Finally, attach a feather and bead to each end of the cord to finish.

The next project is called the Darlin’ Dixie Garland. First, you must, cut apart a Dixie cup so it lies flat to create a template. Afterwards, trace it onto decorative paper, adding an extra ½ inch on one end, and cut out 7 shapes and then, place a strip of double-sided tape on one end of each paper. Wrap paper around each of 7 cups and attach with tape. Now cut out the letters that spell “Welcome”. And then, from there, you have to glue a letter to the front of each cup. Finally, use a utility knife, cut an X in the center of each cup bottom. Push 1 light into the bottom of each cup and hang in an entryway to welcome your holiday guests. Continue reading