A site for my favorite season!

In times past deer hunting was all about survival. The Native Americans hunted deer as a means to provide clothing, food, and other essentials they might need. Today however, some would argue the “need” to hunt deer as the essentials that were once supplied by animals and their skin are now supplied through other means.

Be that as it may there are plenty of people out there that still hunt every year. There are some with the anticipation of getting venison, some for the sheer fun of the sport, and others for the benefit of their family. Below are a few of the main reasons deer hunting has become high in demand in the US.

Hunting to Eat

One of the main and oldest reasons for hunting deer was to eat. Today, many people enjoy the taste of venison. Deer meat is high in protein and is known to be less fattening than beef or pork.

Hunting to eat means that you control how the meat is preserved. Many hunters feel that hunting for their meet is a lot healthier than picking out packages from the local grocery store. Some hunters store enough deer meat to last them through the winter or sale to others who enjoy venison as well.

To Prevent Over Population

Because predators of deer (wolves and panthers) have begun to decrease the presence of deer has increased. As deer population continues to grow it can cause a significant amount of problems for the species.

The plants that deer feed off of have since been reduced as a result of increased construction and environmental damage. When deer don’t have enough to eat they begin to starve. This is why regulations are put in place to allow a deer hunting season every year.

The regulations allow for hunting that will decrease the population, however, not make the species extinct. It prevents overpopulation which can also attribute to more motor vehicle accidents and deer sightings in residential areas.

Hunting as a Sport

Though some animal lovers might not like the sound of this, there are some people who hunt deer because it is simply a hobby that they enjoy. Many hunters enjoy the process of strategically planning, chasing the prey, and of course catching something to take home as a trophy. They enjoy the time they get to spend outdoors alone, with friends, or with family members experiencing nature.

Hunting Saves Animal Habitats

Many people may be unaware that deer hunting does help the planet? How? For every license fee that is recovered and sales tax on firearms and ammunition that is established goes to fund acres of land for improvement and habitat preservation for the animals. It is recorded that each year sportsmen contribute about $7.50 per day.

If you’re considering the idea of going hunting make sure that you are going because of your own personal reasons. While being out in the open doors and learning the skill of hunting in the wilderness can be a lot of fun, if you’ve never done it before the experience can be very different in the beginning.