A site for my favorite season!

The holistic practice Ayurveda is great for many things, from balancing your body, mind, and spirit, to helping you set intentions through daily healthy habits. For the fall season, Ayurveda is based on the different elements that each person makes up, helping you to live a more balanced and healthy life.

Reduce Stress with Ayurveda

One of the many benefits to Ayurveda is helping to reduce your stress. It allows you to practice more rest and self-care, set intentions, and create healthy habits. Ayurveda is not just one type of practice, but multiple habits combined, depending on your priorities.

You are looking to create a more balanced life, so that might mean engaging in all your senses during cooking and eating, trying to get more rest, adding meditation and mindfulness, or just having a healthier morning or nighttime routine. All of these can help with your stress and anxiety in the fall.

Wake Up Early and Practice Self-Care

If you want to practice more Ayurveda in the fall, one way to do that is to wake up earlier in the morning and take care of yourself. Really focus on proper hygiene, taking care of your body and your mind. Brush your teeth and wash your face, take a nice shower, enjoy a healthy breakfast or healing cup of tea, and write in a journal or read from a book. These are wonderful practices to add to your morning routine.

Nourish Your Body with Healthy Foods

Many people who add Ayurveda practices to their routine eat a nutrient-dense, nourishing diet most of the time. Start adding more fall produce to your diet, such as apples, butternut squash, sweet potato, kale, and cranberries. Add in herbs and spices like cumin, ginger, and chives. Enjoy hearty and comforting meals on the cold days to calm your body and spirit.

Slow Down Your Workout Routine

Start spending more time outdoors or at home when it comes to how you exercise. Go on nice walks, do yoga or Pilates, bring your kids to the park, go on hikes or cycle near the beach. Find ways to both exercise outside with the fresh air, and get more gentle movement into your routine. Skip the intense hot yoga or cycling classes and instead do gentle stretching, weight training, dance classes, or tai-chi. Try something new to get your body moving and energized, without overdoing it.