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Orange essential oil is best known for its disease-fighting ability and talent for producing euphoric feelings. If you’ve ever come across a “joy blend” or “happy mix” of essential oils, it probably contains orange oil as the main ingredient.

Orange oil cleanses and purifies. You’ve probably heard about using orange oil to clean wood furniture, floors and more.

A bonus to using this amazing, anti-bacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal natural essential oil for cleaning is that you get to sniff up the delicious, uplifting aroma of oranges while removing dirt and conditioning the wood items in your home.

Orange oil is said to be anti-depressive due to its invigorating effect on brain function. This oil is not quite as stimulating as other oils, such as peppermint or rosemary, either of which may cause excitability in individuals prone to such changes in mood or temperament.

Orange essential oil is more balancing, known to alleviate anxiety while simultaneously improving mood. This makes it a sought-after aromatherapy choice for people with both anxiety and depression.

Another benefit of orange essential oil is its anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to an irritant, which could be illness, allergy, sensitivity, or injury. Redness, pain and swelling indicate that the immune system has sent white blood cells to the site of irritation. Diffusing orange oil can help the immune system balance itself to help your body return to a healthy, rested state.

Orange oil comes from the peels of an orange, and its aroma can seem overly sharp or sweet to some. This oil balances nicely with warming cinnamon or nutmeg, in the same way that you might enjoy sipping an orange spice tea to wind down after a busy and hectic day.