A site for my favorite season!

Happy Thanksgiving, Ya'll!

When you sit down with the family for turkey and dressing, the Thanksgiving dishes often make as much of an impression as the food. Presentation is just as important as the food you serve to make the holiday special. When it comes to holiday dishes, there are many choices. Carefully thinking about what you need will help you to make the best choice.

Is your family formal or more casual? Do you like designs that are simple or ornate? Do you like things in your home to be understated or a little bit wacky? There’s no right or wrong when it comes to choosing Thanksgiving dishes. What’s most important is that you choose what fits your family best.

Take a look at online options and determine what dishes you like the best – don’t even worry about the price yet. Come up with a list of dishes you just love. Then narrow down the list to dishes that are in your price range. You may be able to afford the dishes you like best.

But if your favorite dishes are out of your budget, try to figure out what it is about them that makes them special to you. Is it the shape, the color, the materials? Once you determine what it is you like you can start looking for comparison items that are more in your range.

If you can’t afford to redress your entire table, consider purchasing one or two show stopping pieces that will make your Thanksgiving table stand out. For example, you may want to look for a special turkey platter, bread basket, or set of bowls to enhance what you already have.

Another way to dress up your table’s Thanksgiving dishes is to choose pretty glasses for beverages. Even if you’re only serving water, your meal will look more special when drinks are served in stemware or pretty goblets. Pretty glasses are often an economical alternative to buying a whole new set of dishes.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match. When it comes to your Thanksgiving table, everything can coordinate without being perfectly identical. Perhaps you can spend more money on plates you really love and then find less expensive coordinating bowls and salad plates.

Finally, your Thanksgiving dishes will also look better dressed up with chargers. Chargers can be used instead of placemats to decorate your table and protect it from hot food temperatures. They are also a less expensive alternative to purchasing an entire new set of dishes.

Whatever you decide, dressing up your table with Thanksgiving dishes can make any menu feel more extravagant. You may decide you want to use these special dishes all the time!