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Amazing, intoxicating vanilla is more than just a yummy addition to your homemade baked goods. Its health benefits go far beyond the pleasant olfactory sensation you get when wearing your favorite vanilla musk perfume.

There’s a reason that the aroma and flavor of plants like vanilla appeal to our noses and taste buds. Vanilla has an incredible ability to heal and restore, and the natural essential oil of this plant is no exception.

We can certainly make use of this gift when we sniff up  delicious vanilla essential oil by way of our aromatherapy diffusers, naturally scented candles and other means of sensory enjoyment.

Vanilla scored extremely high in scientific studies designed to measure its anti-oxidant properties. What this means is that it is a life-giving plant. Modern science has a word for the breakdown of all living things: oxidation. Every living thing oxidizes, but some substances which we consider harmful speed up the oxidation process. Others, known as anti-oxidants, have the opposite effect, and vanilla is officially classified as a powerful anti-cancer and free-radical fighter.

Another indicator of life-giving properties of vanilla oil: it has been successfully used as a home remedy to raise libido levels. Vanilla oil works as an aphrodisiac by stimulating the endocrine system and increasing hormonal activity. Is it any coincidence that vanilla essential oil has become a popular ingredient in perfumes, which we spray on in the hope of attracting a mate?

Vanilla oil can also be inhaled to help reduce inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s way of fighting back against a perceived threat. Our liver sends white blood cells to a specific area of the body, such as the stomach in the case of food allergies. For various reasons, including imbalance, overactive stress response and possible sluggish liver and/or kidneys, many people suffer from an overactive inflammatory response.

Diffusing vanilla on a regular basis is one way to utilize its restorative properties to help return the body to a healthy state of balance and properly functioning immune system.