A site for my favorite season!

Healthy Habits in the Fall

Now that the fall season has begun, it is time to rethink some habits and routines you have in your life. A great way to start doing this is with your schedule. You don’t need to completely change everything, but small adjustments can help a lot with your productivity, health, and happiness. Continue reading

If you have been wanting to become a morning person, but struggled with it in previous seasons, fall might be the perfect time. You have a renewed sense of purpose and more inspiration during this season to make healthy changes, which can include having a new morning routine that starts a little earlier.

Get Fresh Air First Thing in the Morning

As soon as you wake up in the morning, get fresh air throughout your home. Open up all the windows, open any doors that have screens, and let the fresh air in. This is also a good time to go outside on your porch or patio for a few minutes if possible.

Fresh air can help boost your energy even before you have coffee or tea. Just breathing in that crisp morning air is so energizing and calming. If you have journaling as part of your morning routine, consider bringing it outside to your balcony or patio to write while you enjoy the morning air. Continue reading

Happy chemicals in your brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, are released through different activities, exercise, and even the food you eat. They can boost your mood and energy levels, and are often released completely naturally. Here are some things to know about these happy hormones and how to boost them naturally. Continue reading

As summer moves into fall, it is important to keep up the momentum when it comes to your exercise routine, then making some adjustments is often needed. The weather outside changes, which depending where you live, might mean you can finally avoid the intense heat or you may need to move workouts indoors if it has gotten too chilly. It is also a great time to focus on more gentler forms of movement.

Take Advantage of Nice Fall Days

To start with, take advantage of the fall days that are warm or cool, without extreme cold or hot weather. This is when you should be getting outside and exercising in nature. There are many ways to exercise outdoors, including walking, hiking, riding a bicycle, taking your dogs for a walk, going to a nearby lake or beach.

You can also head to a park near you to do some outdoor exercises alone or with your kids. Many parks also include equipment to help with push-ups and conditioning. Continue reading