A site for my favorite season!

Healthy Habits in the Fall

Meditation is a healing practice that does so much more for you than just helping you to clear your mind. It can make you more mindful and grateful for the good things in your life, reduce stress, and help with your focus. Fall is a great time to adopt a meditation practice. Continue reading

The holistic practice Ayurveda is great for many things, from balancing your body, mind, and spirit, to helping you set intentions through daily healthy habits. For the fall season, Ayurveda is based on the different elements that each person makes up, helping you to live a more balanced and healthy life.

Reduce Stress with Ayurveda

One of the many benefits to Ayurveda is helping to reduce your stress. It allows you to practice more rest and self-care, set intentions, and create healthy habits. Ayurveda is not just one type of practice, but multiple habits combined, depending on your priorities.

You are looking to create a more balanced life, so that might mean engaging in all your senses during cooking and eating, trying to get more rest, adding meditation and mindfulness, or just having a healthier morning or nighttime routine. All of these can help with your stress and anxiety in the fall. Continue reading